big leap

美 [bɪɡ liːp]英 [bɪɡ liːp]
  • 大幅增长;大步跳跃
big leapbig leap
  1. In the last few years , this art has made a big leap .


  2. Some Thoughts about the Big Leap Development of Universities ' Laboratory Construction


  3. Going from team leadership to team decision-making is a big leap .


  4. The Green Music Group has taken a big leap with its environment protection decision .


  5. Some Thoughts About Realization of Big Leap Development of Overseas Management to CNPC


  6. If the country is to develop new products , it will mean making a big leap .


  7. Moving to a place where I knew no one was a big leap for me .


  8. Some scholars believe that the corporate culture of discovery and research is another big leap for management .


  9. she made the big leap to mark her centennial .


  10. It 's not a big leap to think you 'd actually be capable of killing .


  11. The chage has brought a big leap to the poetic idea .


  12. Since the 1990s , with the economic and social development , China 's culture and entertainment news also made a big leap .


  13. Ecological civilization is a big leap in human civilization form and is to replace the traditional industrial civilization inevitably .


  14. And the Neural Engine , for powerful machine learning applications , also takes a big leap forward on the new mini ,


  15. For continuous and big leap forward development , human resources development and management system which fit railway transportation production developing requirement should be established .


  16. Technologies underlying some products have fueled the design and development of what may be the next big leap in DBMS technology .


  17. Spirit is the origin and innate strength of life and inspiration is big leap and self-promotion of spirit .


  18. India 's next big leap in space exploration will come later this year , when it plans to launch a lunar mission .


  19. A new organization structure is researched in this article . We call it as Matrix form . It presents another big leap for enterprise in management level .


  20. It is a big leap from the relative security of regular salaries and bonuses to freelance work and reduced earnings .


  21. Given these improvisations , he added , " whether this actually affects energy , I think that 's a big leap . "


  22. After making a big leap post-All-Star break , B.I. has had sights on continuing that improvement this summer .


  23. After several rounds of industry consolidation and capital integration , Chinese condiment market has been transferred from a lagging stage to a big leap (?)


  24. The large amount of evidence that : aeolian vibration of a serious threat to the overhead transmission lines , especially the big leap safe operation .


  25. If a big leap towards fiscal union is unlikely , what of the opposite outcome , a break-up of the single currency ?


  26. Berkshire Hathaway 's portfolio encompasses railroads and airlines - it is not a big leap to urban transport .


  27. However , in season two Friends took a big leap toward equality by featuring a gay wedding when Carol married her girlfriend Susan .


  28. The procedure , described in a case study due to appear in the journal European Urology next month , represents a big leap forward in transplant surgery ;


  29. This is a big leap in china 's social change and historical progress , and also serves as a powerful support and impetus to the cause of socialism in the world .


  30. ' The triumph of this way of thinking over obsolete ideology of religious theology is undoubtedly the big leap forward in social moral history of mankind ' .
